If your workplace is a ‘danger zone’ for sticking to your muscle building diet, you need to keep plenty of healthy snacks for work on hand.

Preparing healthy snacks for work that will help you to build muscle can be easy!  Most of you will have that person at work that just doesn’t get why “fitness freaks” like you worry so much about what you eat.  They pass your desk daily with muffins, cakes, cookies, hot chips and all sorts of other tempting foods.   These are NOT the healthy snacks for work that you need to build muscle.  As stress, boredom, tiredness and food cravings build throughout the day it takes all the will power you have to say no unless you come prepared and stock the work fridge and cupboards with plenty of healthy snacks for work!

These protein-packed healthy snacks for work are easy, convenient, and perfect for building muscle mass.

1. Healthy Snacks for work to build muscle #1 – Wholemeal Egg Wrap

A healthy snack for work that fuels your hungry muscles with both protein and quality carbs.  Beat 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites, salt, pepper and 2Tbs milk in a microwave-safe bowl or coffee mug until blended.  Microwave on high for 45 seconds and stir. Microwave until eggs are almost set, 30 to 45 seconds longer. Serve in a wholemeal wrap.

2. Healthy Snacks for work to build muscle #2 – Apple with Low-Fat Cheese

While many of you will be reducing your fruit and vege intake during a muscle building phase, we reccomend that some fruit is still included in your healthy snacks for work and you should aim to have at least three to five servings each day for the nutritional benefits they provide. For a quick and easy protein/carb combo pair an apple with some low-fat cheese or cottage cheese.  Apples are a great source of fiber and vitamin C and a perfect healthy snack for work.

3. Healthy Snacks for work to build muscle #3 – Protein and Oats

In less than 30secs you can consume a convenient healthy snack for work that provides protein, carbs, and fat in exact proportions with a quick and easy protein shake.  To build muscle mass combine 3 scoops of Vitalstrength Pro-Muscle Protein  into a shaker along with ½ cup of raw oats and 250ml water, or milk (depending on your macro requirements).

4. Healthy Snacks for work to build muscle #4 – Tuna

Tuna is always a great grab-and-go protein source and healthy snack for work with around 25g of protein per small can.   To prepare open and drain a can of tuna and either eat on its own or combine with cottage cheese or half an avocado and a sprinkle of lime juice for the ideal muscle-building snack.

5. Healthy Snacks for work to build muscle #5 – Fruit and Cottage Cheese

Combine 1/2 cup berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) and 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese plus 1 scoop of Vitalstrength Pro-Muscle Protein Powder.  Cottage cheese is low in fat and high in calcium as well as being rich in easily digested casein protein making it a great high protein snack for work.

6. Healthy Snacks for work to build muscle #6 – Peanut Butter and Banana

If you loved peanut butter as a kid, you’re in luck, it can also be included in your adult muscle building diet and is a great healthy snack for work.  Peanut butter not only boasts a healthy dose of protein, it is also rich in monounsaturated fats. For an energy boost throughout your working day, spread it on some Ryvita or Rice Crackers and top it with banana slices. Yum!

So, no matter how busy you are at work, it’s really not that hard to have high-protein, muscle building snacks on hand.   Keep some Vitalstrength protein powder in the cupboard and eggs in the fridge at all times and there will be no excuses to let your muscle building diet slip again!